The End

Dec 31, 2023


In the silent corridors of time,
where moments echo as fleeting whispers,
the concept of an “end”
is often perceived as a definitive cessation,

a full stop.

But life,
with its intricate tapestry of experiences,
teaches us that endings are seldom absolute.

Many a time,
what appears to be the end is but a doorway
to another beginning,
a bend in the road rather than its culmination.
Like a chapter in a book that concludes,
only to set the stage for the next,
endings are often precursors to new narratives,
new journeys.

It is the end of the year,
but it is a new beginning for us all.

- mOjolism -




I am no one. I exist to inspire change. Change in how we think, how we act, and how we live. I am mOjo. The Change Catalyst.