Wrong Turn

Feb 19, 2024


In life’s intricate dance,

we may falter,

making wrong choices along the way,


often they serve as a necessary alter,

guiding us to the right places,

we may say.


detours and twists in the road,

reveal hidden paths we were meant to explore,

through wrong choices,

lessons bestowed,

they guide us closer to what we adore.

Embrace the journey,

both wrong and right,

for every choice shapes who we become,

trust in the process,

have faith in the light,

as we navigate towards our destined outcome.

So remember,

sometimes the wrong choices we make,

guide us to the right places,

hand in hand.

In the mystery of life,

the plan starts to take,

and the symphony of purpose begins to expand.

- mOjolism -




I am no one. I exist to inspire change. Change in how we think, how we act, and how we live. I am mOjo. The Change Catalyst.